The Boss (Bruce S.) and recession


Registered User
Just reading that the three Irish concerts by the Boss sold out and people queued for hours in bitter cold to try and get a ticket that cost 90/100 euro each. It seems some sectors not too much affected by the recession.
There was a lady on all the radio stations yesterday and T.V. complaining about the budget cuts for the disabled and how she and her mother would cope. I noticed that she was sitting in a very modern looking kitchen with big American style fridge. Better than mine.
I am not saying that someone does not have the right to own these things but social welfare payments are not for spending on American style fridges when perhaps a cheaper model might do.
A bit like the people who complain that they have no food for their children but find money to buy cigarettes.
I am not saying that someone does not have the right to own these things but social welfare payments are not for spending on American style fridges when perhaps a cheaper model might do.

Maybe she bought it before she ended up on social welfare. There are a lot of people out there who live in large modern homes with all kinds of mod cons who are broke.
The concert is outside of Dublin, so for people living in Limerick and Cork, €100 is great value, rather than cost of transport and accommodation to dublin. People still have money, but it doesn't mean that someone is not affected because they can stump up €100 for a concert that doesn't take place for another 7 months.
The concert is outside of Dublin, so for people living in Limerick and Cork, €100 is great value, rather than cost of transport and accommodation to dublin. People still have money, but it doesn't mean that someone is not affected because they can stump up €100 for a concert that doesn't take place for another 7 months.

And it's Bruce; a life changing experience.
And it's Bruce; a life changing experience.

I've never been a Brucie fan, but loads of people who I've spoken to say the same. He's coming to Cork also so nearly tempted just to go and see what all the fu$$ is about :p
Just reading that the three Irish concerts by the Boss sold out and people queued for hours in bitter cold to try and get a ticket that cost 90/100 euro each. It seems some sectors not too much affected by the recession.

They arent. Not everyone is on the bread line and not everyone is crying over the budget cuts. Some people can still afford these things and will continue to buy them, without caring about the typical Irish "No recession there" attitude.

Economy is driven by people spending, but when people do there's always others who are jealous.
And it's Bruce; a life changing experience.

I'm a fan of Bruce but, dare I say it, he needs to come less often ? I passed on seeing him in Dublin this year cos I saw him in the RDS the last time (2 years ago ?), and a good few times since my first one in 1988.

I agree with the point that paying €100 for a concert ticket doe not mean you're unaffected by the recession. At this stage, my nights out in a year can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Spending €100 on one concert is not an indulgence.
I've never been a Brucie fan, but loads of people who I've spoken to say the same. He's coming to Cork also so nearly tempted just to go and see what all the fu$$ is about :p

Do, it's a life changing experience :D though I prefer it when he plays solo gigs.
Just reading that the three Irish concerts by the Boss sold out and people queued for hours in bitter cold to try and get a ticket that cost 90/100 euro each. It seems some sectors not too much affected by the recession.

This comment is made regularly but it doesn't stand up to any analysis.
I don't understand why you are surprised.

The vast majority of Irish people have been affected by the increase in taxes/ unemployment / reduction in wages but a lot of people still have some spending money left. Not as much as before, but some.

If no-one had any spending money left, every restaurant and 90% of clothes shops would close and no gigs at all would take place.

As it is, some restaurants / shops are closing, some gigs have been cancelled through poor ticket sales but not all.
Life changing??

Ive seen Springsteen twice (2008 & 2012) and been very impressed.

However, I wasn't blown away like when Ive seen David Bowie or Roger Waters.

Theres a lot made of the 3.5hr marathon shows he does and at his age he deserves huge credit, but in no way are Springsteen's shows life changing, unless your name is Courtney Cox.