the best way to spend money in the north?


Registered User
i'm going to Belfast for a break and a little shopping.
What's the most cost effective way of spending cash, in terms of currency exchanges charges etc with the following options
1. permanent TSB credit card
2. Laser card
3. euro converted locally into sterling
4. euro converted in north into sterling

My preference is VISA but will i be end up paying over the odds for cash purchases in sterling?

I can only speak about Newry. A lot of the shops there give £ for € and others give better rate than banks. I brought Sterling but mostly spent euro because of the better than bank rate.

Not sure if Belfast take euro or give as good an exchange rate.
I think both Laser and credit cards charge an out of jurisdiction percentage
per transaction.
Maybe you should check with your bank.
always wondered about the £ for € thing in derry,strabane, newry etc.
Do people who live in those towns convert their stg to euro and then use euro to pay for shopping, thus gaining 10-15% discount
I know in Culloville (and many other South Armagh villages) for example Euro is pretty much the de facto currency - prices tend to be displayed in euro as a default.