The Bertie Story

Johnny Boy

Registered User
Listening to Rté Morning Ireland this morning and they were trying to do there best to spice up Bertie Aherns money dealings I just had to switch over to another channel.The story just does not do it for me Whether he was right or wrong is not the issue I'm concerned with in my post but either the coverage is drab or the story has not enough chutzpah. Now compare it to the Maddie Story now that intrigue
I can see your point, maybe trawling through bank details and accounts isn't the most exciting thing especially when you compare it to the Mccann story and the treatment it receives from the likes of Sky News. However, the work of the Tribunals is imho essential, it reveals how Ireland and some of our politicians operated from the 60's onwards, it many cases we are still paying for what occurred.
I take it that your not an accountant then.
While I find the Bertie story boring I find the way the media ignore the reality that most people don't care, or don't care enough to put Enda Kenny in charge, to be most interesting. It seems the journalists are writing stories for the small group of people in the country that are politically active, and each other.

The Maddie story on the other hand I find obscene. There is no news to report so the papers, particularly the tabloids, are filling the vacuum with groundless speculation and trite sensationalist rubbish.
If they want an emotive story about children why not report on something like this?
There is no news to report so the papers, particularly the tabloids, are filling the vacuum with groundless speculation and trite sensationalist rubbish.

I find lately that the line has become blurred between tabloid and broadsheet reporting.
I find lately that the line has become blurred between tabloid and broadsheet reporting.

Well there was a fairly damning critique of the tabloids in this respect by the Sunday Times recently.
going off point here but are journalist and politians cut from the same cloth. Both are under the illusion that they are working for the public good(probally to compensate for being failures at home) egotistcal would cut each others throat(and anyone else if it would suit them)and of the "do as I say not as I do". I know its a broad statement but thats the language they use
It's not just a broad statement but it's unfair to most politicians from all sides.
They never stop preaching and being righteous so whats wrong with giving them a little of their own medicine and its Friday a day made for ranting