The Ballad of Lidl and Aldi

I heard a guy singing this in a pub over the weekend.

What a brilliant song!

It looks like a great session in John B Keane's


Well the wife she broke her ankle when she tumbled off the bike

Leaving me to do the housework, a job I never liked

And doing the weekly shopping seemed a dreadful chore to me

'Til I discovered LidldiAldi, LidldiAldi LidldiAldi Lidldidee.

Now I just can't wait for Thursdays when the specials go on view

I'm the first man to the trolleys; I'm the first man in the queue

For now I know what women mean about retail therapy

It's LidldiAldi, LidldiAldi LidldiAldi Lidldidee.

Its angle grinders and black puddings and a pot of German jam

A lump of hairy bacon and a wet suit from Japan

And a pack of streaky rashers, a crate of Russian stout

And a portable generator just in case the lights go out

Alloy wheels and windscreen wipers and a bag of Rooster spuds

An inflatable rubber dinghy to help survive the floods

Spanners, sockets and fish fingers, they're so cheap they're damn near free

At LidldiAldi, LidldiAldi, LidldiAldi, Lidldidee.
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