The Age of Ignorance


Registered User
Interesting article which whilst about the American Experience resonates here with the claptrap being spouted by those refusing to pay the household charge.

"In the past, if someone knew nothing and talked nonsense, no one paid any attention to him. No more - Now such people are courted and flattered by conservative politicians and ideologues as “Real Americans” defending their country against big government and educated liberal elites. The press interviews them and reports their opinions seriously without pointing out the imbecility of what they believe. The hucksters, who manipulate them for the powerful financial interests, know that they can be made to believe anything, because, to the ignorant and the bigoted, lies always sound better than truth:
Christians are persecuted in this country.
The government is coming to get your guns.
Obama is a Muslim.
Global Warming is a hoax.
The president is forcing open homosexuality on the military.
Schools push a left-wing agenda.
Social Security is an entitlement, no different from welfare.
Obama hates white people.
The life on earth is 10,000 years old and so is the universe.
The safety net contributes to poverty.
The government is taking money from you and giving it to sex-crazed college women to pay for their birth control.

Don't know a lot about US politics but I read an American football forum [Go Ravens ] and you see much of what's on your list

Obama is bringing death panels and bureaucrats will decide if you get healthcare or if you die
But then, aren't insurance companies already doing that

FDR was a communist

And socialism is a swear word

Yeah I complain over our wasters in the Dáil but there is real hatred in the USA.
Of course you get opinionated people on message boards, if you have no opinions you would not be on one.
But there are people who believe Barrack Hussein Obama is a Muslim and you'll never convince them otherwise, just look at his name, he has to be

They are angry and mobilized and a clever politician can use them

The thread is about the household charge but any protests or unrest just doesn't compare.
Have to agree...... click on this one and scroll down to the video clip of people being interviewed in Mississippi - scary stuff. Fits right in with the title of this thread