The Ability of the State to Pursue White Collar Crime


Registered User
Having let the whole Michael Lynn saga waft past, being busy with the trials and tribulations in my own life over the past year (as I'm sure were so many people) - I came across this article from late 2010 recently.

These sections stood out in this article -


A bench warrant was issued for his [Michael Lynn's] arrest as he had failed to turn up in court, but he could not be extradited as there were -- and still aren't -- any criminal proceedings pending against him.


Within days it emerged that another lawyer, [broken link removed], had racked up huge debts -- eventually reckoned at almost €60m -- by abusing the solicitor's undertakings system and stealing from banks and clients.


Other lawyers in trouble included a Dublin duo who avoided being struck off the solicitor's roll despite operating a €32m tax scam. [my bold]


It is three years since High Court Judge Peter Kelly directed that files on Michael Lynn be sent to the garda fraud squad because the judge believed that they contained prima facie evidence of white-collar crime.
Yet not one rogue solicitor or any member of Ireland's banking elite has been prosecuted and convicted, raising serious questions about the ability of the State to prosecute white-collar crime.


Yet not one rogue solicitor or any member of Ireland's banking elite has been prosecuted and convicted, raising serious questions about the ability of the State to prosecute white-collar crime.


Is anyone is a position to confirm the current position?

Has any banker or solicitor been prosecuted for the crimes against the electorate or the State?

Have any of them even been held to account in any meaningful way for the damage they have done to Ireland and its reputation abroad?