The 30kph Speed Limit in Dublin City


Registered User
I have nothing constructive to say about this at all.

If the Health and Safety precepts are taken to their logical conclusion the current unemployed figures will be gone to zero in a year because we'll all need people walking in front of our cars with red flags pretty soon.

In that light, and apologies in advance if this is not the right forum here is a little offering I picked up on of all places, apparently made by a guy called David Rochford.

For anyone who had a "Moment" passing through town recently doing a miserable 40kph and suddenly realising they were 10kph over the limit, I recommend this tonic.

Warning: contains strong language and images some may find distressing:

Is there a list of public representatives who voted for/against this proposal? Is there a record of the discussion that took place at the meeting at which this vote was taken?

It may be too late for Dublin but its not too late to innfluence public representatives in other cities such as Cork, Galway and Limerick.
Hi Onq

GEt out of that big car of yours and hop on a bicycle.

Enjoy the experience of cars brushing past you at 60k and jumping traffic lights.

A few minutes on a bike in Dublin and you will be in favour of the 30k speed limit.

And hopefully, cyclists will stop weaving in and out of traffic not exceed 30k either don't ride two abreast, stop and obey traffic lights as they are obliged to do as well,
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Thanks Brendan - I knew I should've taken the Golf!

From the age of twelve until the age of 30 I cycled almost everywhere, apart from isolated periods when I had motorcycles on the road.
I doubt most people can claim a cycling career - day in day out - spanning 18 years.
I still go out cycling with my son and even in my relatively unfit condition, I can still top 30 kph!

What actively needs to be done is to send out safety assessment packages for pedestrians so they can finally "prepare for their journeys" and learn not to walk into poles, doors, each other, out in front of cyclists or powered vehicles.

Apart from that bus that mounted the footpath on the south quays a while back, most accidents happen to pedestrians who cross the road without looking, or cyclists who don't behave safely on the road.

Cars don't cruise along pavements looking for pedestrian accident victims y'know...

Iforesee a huge market for personal force fields or coats made from car airbags to reduce the number of pedestrian fatalities each year. Could be a bit of a problem if they all go off when you're traversing a revolving door of course...


That's defeatist talk ajapale! Don't let Dublin become a Pedestrian Walkover just yet!

We won't even need cars to do it.

I say we mobilise all available skateboarders, bmx-ers, speed cyclists and take the lot of them on 50kph strafing runs down Dawson Street and back up Kildare Street and back around by Ely place and down again until they get the message that even cyclists need a bit of fresh air in their lungs.

We'll hold 100M sprints in front of the Mansion House - those guys can hit 50kph at the end of the straight.

Pints for every ministerial merc you overtake.

i believe it was proposed by a labour councillor, but it was passed by a democratic majority. Ive only party alliegance to myself! listening to an interview on newstalk on Friday im sure some one on the council said that they may be willing to up it to 40kph as a compromise
The minutes of the meeting which passed it don't break down the votes. It was proposed by a Labour Cllr Montague but condemned this week by the Labour Party leader.

Utter disaster as a motorist..jaywalkers everywhere!!

It's never too late to create change, I can't think of any other recent subject that annoyed so many Dublin folk in recent times. As the Labour leader Eamon Gilmore said recently on FM106, it is impractical and dangerous. These are the members of Dublin Councils Traffic group. I would assume they had to vote for it. I recognise the first name on the list as he has been derided so frequently in the media.

Cllr. Andrew Montague (Lab.) - Chairperson
henry Upton Labour
Cllr. Edie Wynne (F.G.)
Cllr. Mary O’Shea (F.G.)
Cllr. Eoghan Murphy (F.G.)
Cllr. Mary Fitzpatrick (F.F.)
Cllr. Larry O’Toole (S.F.)
Cllr. Aine Clancy (Lab.)

Cllr. Maria Parodi (Lab.)

Cllr. Michael Conaghan (Lab.)
Good idea, I've contacted the councillors in my area about this. If enough people complain, it might make a difference. We're too compliant with everything that is thrown at us here. They're supposed to be representing us, not their own preferences.
I'm impressed guys!

Apparently there are reports of cross party support in Leinster House to remove the restriction and its supposed to be revisited by Dublin City Council!