The 10 email commandments

Brendan Burgess

Tim Harford had an excellent article in the Financial Times

How to get things doen in the 21st Century

Email is your servant
Don't bother filing your emails - archive them
Process your inbox and empty it
Five emails are sometimes better than one ( I am a huge fan of this)
Use filters - a bit
Smile - it's all on the record
Smartphones are habit-forming, so think about the habits you want to form
Embrace the imperfect To Do list
How to deal with social media

10. And finally ...
All this is a work in progress. I struggle daily to take my own advice and constantly distract myself with nonsense. And is any of this advice right for you? Your job description, colleagues and home life are different. You are different. Figure out what advice I should have given you, and do that instead.
Tim Harford’s new book is ‘The Undercover Economist Strikes Back: How to Run – or Ruin – an Economy’ (Little, Brown)