Thank you gift for my parents


Registered User
Hi All, just looking for some suggestions!

I've had a pretty awful year in all aspects and my Mam and Dad have been really fab and supportive and no amount of thank you's is making up for what they've done for me.

I'd like to treat them to a concert, dinner and a hotel somewhere in the city but there are no decent gigs coming up that I can see.

I can pull off the hotel and meal somewhere but want them to go somewhere or see something to just add something to the night.

Any ideas?
Amy Winehouse? Her music has a certain older-generation appeal.
What about the National Concert Hall ( - they usually have some very nice pre-Christmas concerts (Mozart by candlelight, Carols etc) if your folks are into that sort of thing. Conrad Hilton hotel across the road if you wanted to check meals/rooms there too.
Hi, already checked Amy Winehouse, was trying to get tickets for myself & a friend and theres none available....
good idea though, my dad likes her cos he's into Jazz...
there is a jazz club in town that sometimes has concerts

cant remember the name right now tho...
hi, harry connick jr is playing in the rds on 13th nov, he is fantastic, also some nice places to eat out that way and maybe bewley's hotel?
Hi, already checked Amy Winehouse, was trying to get tickets for myself & a friend and theres none available....
good idea though, my dad likes her cos he's into Jazz...

I can vouch for Note Productions...

... and the following venues....

JJ Smyths, Aungier St.
Bleu Note, Capel St.
The Sugar Club, Leeson St. [broken link removed]

If you pick a jazz gig just make sure your Mum will enjoy it too... e.g. my better half really enjoyed Jamie Cullum, who is playing the Cork jazz Fest. on Oct 27th... then again, some traditionalists don't consider him a jazz artist!