Thank you AAM admin/moderators and members


Registered User
The above says it all you've all been so helpful and generous with your time - I really appreciate it. Happy Christmas and I'm sure a great busy new year is ahead for AAM! I've got lots of questions pending

Thanks a bunch MAJJ.

I'm sure I speak on behalf of all the mods, administrators and Brendan when I say a "thank you" now and again goes a long way towards recharging the batteries.

Best wishes for a Happy Christmas and Prosperous New Year.

P.S. Roll on the new questions in '06
I also want to add my best wishes to you all and thank you for an alternative entertainment to watching tele.

At this time your favourite RTE person is on..... so see what I mean.

I wish you all a very Happy Christmas.
Best wishes to all; I've got some useful information here ( utv & telestunt ); also " the missus " has got vital info' re crashed/stalled/virus ridden computers.
Party on...hope Santa calls to all of you!!
I'd like to add my thanks to everyone - the experts and the not so expert for trying to help and for getting me out of many a fix. There's more useful information here than in the "meeja"! It's great to see and benefit from so much generosity.

Wishing everyone a very happy Christmas,

Best wishes of the season to you all. Thanks to all the admin, mods & Brendan who manage to keep this fab site advertisement free.
IMHO it is one of the best run public forum sites in Ireland at the moment & simply amazing!
Happy Christmas & a Peaceful New Year to all the community.
Thanks for all the helpful suggestions and lively debates also!..Happy Christmas to all..daithi
my boss says thanks for taking up so many hours of my time. well, thats what say if if she knew how many hours I did spend reading or writing on AAM.
Hold on, is that santa I see before me? have a good one all!!
Happy New Year to everyone.

Thanks to the moderators and everyone else who makes this site worth (multiple!!) daily visits. Special thanks to everyone who saw me through moving house. I really don't know how I would have managed without AAM between advice on handling estate agents and getting through 80 years of white gloss.

Sincere thanks from me too.. Keep up the good work! It really is appreciated by so many people.
Yes indeedy, thanks very much to AAM, great and helpful advice is much appreciated. Happy New Year Everyone.
I also want to thank one and all for the helpful info. Happy Christmas and have a super 2006.
Me too. I'd be lost without AAM. The moderators invest a lot of time to users benefit. Thanks to one and all.
Here's to a happy new year. It won't be argument free but if nit-picking lessened somewhat I'm sure there would be a sigh of relief all round!