Thai green curry recipe (chicken) ?


Registered User

Tried this quite a few times with varying degrees of success and with various different recipes.

Anyone got a tried and tested (non-complicated) version that they would like to share?

If anyone suggests a commercial rather than homemade paste, please advise brand.

There's a tub of paste we use all the time. Authentic Thai stuff, we get ours in Asia Market but I've also seen it in Dunnes. It's a white plastic tub with a green wrap around label (they usually have red also with a red label). Writing in Thai and English.
There is a glass Jar of paste (can be bought in all supermarkets) it has a green and gold label on it and red and gold for the red paste. Can't think of the name of it but it is quite good and much quicker than the drawn out process of making your own.

I usually add some paste (2/3 good teaspoons- add more at the end if needed) and a little white wine to cook the chicken pieces first then add the coconut milk and whatever veg you want to add, peppers, mushrooms onions etc. A good tip is to add some crunchy peanut butter, and some thai 7 spice seasoning (not much of this!!) and believe it or not salad potatoes! I always serve with basmati rice! yum
Thanks guys, yeah think you are right - I won't bother making the paste.

Are you thinking of Blue Dragon I wonder?
Not me anyway...meant to have a look when I was in Asia Market the other day to get the name.
The Thai Gold paste is not too bad, available in most of the supermarkets [broken link removed]
I think the paste I use is Mai Ploy. Also use it the Massaman curry paste which is really lovely. Used to make my own pastes but really it is just too much work when you can buy it readymade.
Thanks all - can't remember what we went for in the end but it worked out well anyway.

Might try a couple of those mentioned the next time.
Mae Ploy paste, green, red or yellow is great. I use Chaokoh coconut milk with it and it always turns out really well.
In general I don't like sauces from a jar but Loyd Grossman green curry is one of the nicest green curries I have ever tasted... mmmmmm.