This is the same as the ICS one below -
Bank of Ireland Mortgage Bank, having its registered office at New Century House, Mayor
Street Lower, I.F.S.C., Dublin 1.
Re:Mortgage Loan Account Number(s): , (the "Loan")
Property: ("the Property")
Dear Sirs,
I confirm, acknowledge and agree as follows:
1. I mortgaged the Property to secure all amounts owed to the Lender under mortgage
loan account number: (the "Mortgage Loan").
2. I am not in a-position to make the Cagreed repayments on 'the 'Loan' when 'they are due
and as a result the Lender has demanded, or is entitled and about to demand, full
repayment of all amounts due on the Loan.
3. I am now offering to give up possession of the Property to the Lender to allow the
Lender to recover some or all of the Loan either by selling the Property as Mortgagee
in possession or by any other method allowed under Law or under the Lender's
security documents.
4. I have delivered the keys of the Property to you, the Lender, to allow you (or any
Receiver or agent appointed by you for that purpose) to take clear vacant possession
of the Property with a view to selling the Property as Mortgagee in possession (or by
any such Receiver) or otherwise as provided by law or the Lender's security, if the
Lender so elects, at any time.
5. Until you (or any such Receiver or agent appointed by you us
physically take possession of the Property in possession and I continue to be
responsible for the maintenance and repair of the Property and liable for any
damage to it
6. Once you (or any such Receiver or agent appointed by you) use the keys to take
possession of the Property I will not approach or attempt to enter the Property without
the prior consent of the Lender (or any such Receiver) and even with your consent
I will only enter the Property by appointment and under the supervision of an agent of
the Lender (or of any Receiver appointed by you).
7. If, having taken possession of the Property, the Lender (or any Receiver appointed by you) is selling the Property in accordance with its rights and entitlements in that regard under the Law and the Lender's security documents, and all aspects of the sale(including but not limited to timing, choice of agents, method of sale and price) will beat the Lender's sole discretion and I will have no input nor will I be entitled to any details about the sale as matters proceed until after the sale has been completed. After the sale is completed, the Lender will give me written details of the sale and of how the sale proceeds were used in line with the Lender's Legal entitlements.
8. After any sale of the Property has completed and the Lender has used the purchase
monies in line with the Legal priorities:
If there is a surplus left over (after all costs and expenses of sale and of any
Receiver, and all monies due to you, the Lender, as secured by my mortgage
loan, as well as all subsequent debts registered against the Property (if any)
have been paid), that surplus will be held by the Lender as trustee for me and
shall be released to me on my written instructions (and, where there is more
than one borrower on my mortgage loan, on the written instructions of all the
borrowers) or on foot of an Order of a competent Court.
If the net sale proceeds are not enough so that, after clearing the costs
and expenses of sale ( and of any Receiver) there is not enough to clear my
Mortgage Loan, then I acknowledge that the unpaid balance of those debts
will remain due and immediately payable by me ( and where there is more
than one borrower on my mortgage loan jointly and severally by all borrowers
on the mortgage loan) to the Lender with on going interest in line with the
terms and conditions of my mortgage loan offer letter until it is all paid in full.
(highlighted by Brendan )
9. I confirm thaf-I have rem6v~edall personal "belongings, property, chattels, fittings,
furniture and effects belonging to me or anyone else from the Property. I confirm that
anything left in the Property:
- is or was mine and mine alone
- and has no value
I once and for all give up and abandon any and all claims to such (if any) items that
now remain in the Property and I also unconditionally and irrevocably appoint the
Lender (or any such Receiver) as the my agent, but at my cost and risk, to dispose of
those items in such manner as the Lender (or any such Receiver) may, at its sole
discretion, think fit. I also agree that all costs (if any) of or related to that disposal will
be included in the costs and expenses of the sale.
10. I confirm that there are no circumstances, disputes with neighbours or others,
proceedings, rights, easements, privileges or matters affecting the Property other than
those (if any) evident from the Title to the Property or those I have listed in the First
Schedule to this Memorandum.
11. I shall promptly answer all questions or enquiries (if any) concerning the Property or
the sale of it that the Lender, or your solicitors or agents, may ask me and I will give
any assistance, information, documentation or signatures that may be required by you
without delay to facilitate the sale process. To that end, I set out in the Second
Schedule below my current contact details and undertake to keep you up-dated of any
changes in these details so that you will be able to contact me at all times.
12. I acknowledge and confirm that I have been advised by the Lender to take
independent legal advice before I sign and complete this Memorandum and before I.give up possession of the Property. I confirm that I have either taken that advice and I
am now following that advice or else that I have consciously made an informed
decision not to get any such advice.
13. "I", "me", "my" include a reference to each of us where more than one of us is named
As a borrower above and these expressions include a reference to us together where
the context admits or requires that.
14. This Confirmation binds me legally and is subject to Irish law.
To be signed by all borrowers.
Borrower 1
Borrower 2
Borrower 3