Test your reflexes!


Registered User
This will drive you nuts!!
The object of the game is to move the red block around without getting hit
by the blue blocks or touching the black walls.

If you can go longer than 18 seconds you are phenomenal. It's been said
that the US Air Force uses this for fighter pilots. They are expected to go
for at least 2 minutes.

Give it a try but be careful...it is addictive!!

The URL is
first attempt: 1.26 seconds
second attempt 40.98 seconds.
third attempt 146.88 seconds
I am definitely quitting now.

I think that my old W98 machine might be giving me an easier time - the movement of the obstacles is jerky and perhaps slower than it would be on a modern machine?
for most peoples first entry to coding in java and html, right click on that page, view source, highlight all, copy, paste to a notepad file on your desktop, save as "mygame_1.html" then run it from the desktop.

Now try this, copy that file to a file called mygame_2.html, right click, then open with notepad, you can then mess around with the speed, colour, txt etc and popup messages that come up with always having the orig version in case u mess up.
Remember to save any changes you make before trying to run again,