Test refused, as Insurance Disc had wrong Reg No



Hi All, My daughter went for her Driving Test today, but would not be allowed, as the car reg no was incorrect on the disc. Was she driving uninsured since she purchased the car? Also who would be responsible for this error? People dont normally check their insurance disc, so maybe this happens more often that we realize.
Can anybody give advice on what steps she should take?
... Also who would be responsible for this error? People dont normally check their insurance disc, so maybe this happens more often that we realize.
Your daughter is responsible for the disc she displays. I always check my disc and insurance certificate as errors have been made by insurers / brokers in the past.
Has happened to me in the past - typos on disc - ring the insurance company and they should a replacement out immediately.

As for the driving test issue, the testers need to guard against people borrowing discs from other cars, and bearing in mind that they have to sit in the car beside a driver of unknown ability, you can understand why they insist that insurance is in order.
That happened to the girl before me at the test centre the day I was taking my driving test! The poor thing was in floods of tears when she was told! I think the reg number displayed on the disc was only one digit off but she still wasn't allowed to take it. Rules are rules though, so I don't think the testers should make any exceptions. I always check the correct number is displayed on my insurance disc now. She should just call the insurance company, have a new one sent out, and re register for her test.