Tesco's no longer sourcing vegetables, meat etc from Irish suppliers?


Registered User
Please correct me if I am wrong but did I read somewhere that Tesco's are no longer sourcing vegetables, meat etc from Irish suppliers?

If this is the case then my first New Years's resolution starting today, will be to go out of my way if necessary to purchase these items from someone who still is.
They sure do, potatoes from Israel

Not getting political here, but unless if it's for some obscure brand, we should be able to produce it in Ireland

A Bord Bia sticker is licenced, so seeing it on meat doesn't mean it's Irish

Buy your meat from your local butcher. Most have special deals and aren't realy anymore expensive then Tesco.
Look for a sign that your butcher is in the Guild of Master Craftsmen. Ask them and they'll tell you if they are or not

Realy, if you have any question on cuts or source they can answer it. The teenager in Tesco cannot.
My local place has blackboards with the source, the farm, the factory, the date slaughtered, everything!

There are some business in Ireland which are pure rip offs and expect people to shop local and ignore their prices.
But I wouldn't think butcher fall into this. Look for a blackboard with their deals.
Or go in and haggle, everyone can do it :D
A Bord Bia sticker is licenced, so seeing it on meat doesn't mean it's Irish

This is not true.

If the product has a Bord Bia sticker which says [broken link removed] then it means that it has been produced entirely in the Republic of Ireland. This means, raised, slaughtered, processed and packaged here in the Republic.

There is also another sticker which says that the product has been produced entirely in [broken link removed]
Please correct me if I am wrong but did I read somewhere that Tesco's are no longer sourcing vegetables, meat etc from Irish suppliers?

I try my best not to shop in my local Tesco because it is a horrible place to shop but I found this on their webiste that suggests that they do source much of their fresh produce in Ireland
The premise of this thread is 100% untrue. SlurrySlump do you have an undeclared vested interest?
Someone stuck a sign on the Naas Road just before my turn off stating 75% of Tesco Chicken is from the UK. Not sure how true it is. I don't buy meat in Supermarkets anyway as I hate those prepack carton thingies.

A while back I got into a conversation with the Irish supplier of a hot sauce product when he was stacking up shelves in SuperQuinn. I think he is based in D12 somewhere. He told me that Tesco would not buy from him and were trying to bring same product in through UK supplier.
Interesting Article on the amount of meat we import and the debate of Tesco's etc. V Local butcher. I was very surprised at the total import figure and the origins of some of the meat.

[broken link removed]

Edit : The preceeding article on supermarkets he refers to.

[broken link removed]
Good link Bullbars. My local butched shows the country of origin on his meat and I've never seen Irish Chicken there.
Lidl and tesco are the two places where I see most Irish produce.
The farmer I buy my Turkey from raises chickens throughout the year and duck at Easter.

He was telling me last year that it cost him €6 to purchase each turkey chick. How can someone like that compete with blast frozen stuff from Brazil probably selling for €6 finished product. With the recession, that will probably get worse with less people being able to buy the more expensive product.

Even some of the craft butchers are selling 10 chicken fillets for €10, etc so I am not surprised at Bullbars link.
There were a group of about 15 protesting farmers outside Tesco in Naas last week demonstrating about Tesco stocking non Irish chickens. I couldnt quite understand what their grievance was but I think it was that Tesco has stopped sourcing chickens from them and had now started to import chicken.
Saturday's Irish Independent page 7.

"Farmers yesterday took to the streets to protest at Tesco's decision to use foreign produce - instead of Irish meat and vegetables. etc

Ah that is why the sign about chicken was on the Naas Road then. Did not notice it today....Tesco must have scuttled it.......every little helps.
I don't know about beef, pork or lamb, but most of the chilled chicken sold in Tesco is not from the RoI.

However, that is not agreeing with the claim made in the title of this thread, which in my opinion is misleading.
There was a big fuss made of this last year (by this I mean chicken being imported by Tesco) and nothing came of it. It's easy enough to determine where the chicken you are buying comes from if it is prepacked, most of the chickens in Tesco have union jacks on the packaging.
Didnt Tesco recently buy Keeleys? Irelands biggest veg suppliers? I assume that since they own them, they'll use their products.
Didnt Tesco recently buy Keeleys? Irelands biggest veg suppliers? I assume that since they own them, they'll use their products.
Maybe this is the issue. They don't use other Irish distibutors because they now don't need to.

I think the key word may be distributor rather than supplier or producer.