Tesco Mastercard use abroad question



Anyone advise on this one?...tried but failed to obtain info by phone and on-line from Tesco.

What extra charges (if any) are loaded when purchasing goods abroad with Tesco MasterCard Credit Card?

For interest just returned from holiday abroad..on one occasion, friend using Tesco MasterCard, and me using Barclays Visa Card paid for Hotel Accommodation on the same date at the same Hotel

My Barclaycard Visa shows Exchange rate from USDollars to UKP = 1.988 with an extra loading for purchases overseas of 2.75%

Whereas Friends Tesco MasterCard shows exchange rate = 1.924 but with no apparent % extra loading fee?

Anyone know how charges are applied using the Tesco MasterCard for purchases abroad?

Thanks. John
Hi John,

Is your MasterCard account in Sterling or Euro?

Askaboutmoney is an Irish site, so you may not get a useful answer here (unless Tesco offer the card in Northern Ireland.).
Anyone suggest how we could obtain this information without trying to get a response from Tesco's again?
Tesco most probably inclue the loading in the exchange rate, hence it being lower and there not being a seperate fee charge. Pretty much everyone except Nationwide charge the 2.75% or a variation on it for use abroad. I bank with Co-op and have the fee, but it's included in the rate so it never shows up as a seperate item.
Nationwide doesn't have the CC loading, nor do the Post Office Credit cards ... and a few others. Check UK websites like Money Saving Expert for more information.

Cards which have the exchange loading in my experience don't normally split out the forex charges on the statement ... you just see the transaciton on one line with the 2.75 or whatever charge built into the exchange rate.