Tesco Finest Yoghurt-Fudge Flavour

John Rambo

Registered User
Slightly bizarre query but here goes...does anyone know if Tesco have discontinued their Finest Devonshire Style Fudge yoghurts? I shop in Superquinn and go to Tesco specifically to buy these. They're absolutely gorgeous! I tried to get some today and there seemed to be none there and a lot of new flavours. The staff couldn't help me and I'm not a registered user of their online shopping facility to browse products. Has anyone else bought them recently? I'm genuinely disappointed...was looking forward to having one later on! Thanks
I logged into Tesco.ie and that product is still listed. Sounds like your local store is as bad as mine for product (and price) display and info about when things might be available etc....
Thanks Clubman...appreciate it. Now, if you could just order me some I'll zap the money over to your account and pick them up tomorrow if that's ok!
.....Sounds like your local store is as bad as mine for product (and price) display and info about when things might be available etc....

Have you complained to the management about this? Have you taken your business elsewhere?
If it is a Tesco Express you are wasting your time complaining. Have the same problem in Swords and if you ask they shrug their shoulders and say if it's not on the shlelf we don't have it and have no idea when it will be coming in.
If it is a Tesco Express you are wasting your time complaining. Have the same problem in Swords and if you ask they shrug their shoulders and say if it's not on the shlelf we don't have it and have no idea when it will be coming in.

It's the same in Tesco Clearwater! I've given up going there as they never seem to have basic food items (last visit they didn't have bananas, broccoli, wholegrain bread, also went to buy naan bread and it was mouldy). Had the shrugging of shoulders as well when I inquired!
Dunnes Stores have an imitiation version of those yogurts... pretty much the exact same.
Ah, can't we all just get along...I'm deadly serious, my fiance just texted me to say she bought me some of the yoghurts and I'm having fillet steak after salivating over Havelaugh's meat related thread. Roll on this evening!
Who are people talking to when they get the shrugging response in these stores?

Shelf stackers only stack what they are given - they don't know about or care about what is available or not. Same for any check out staff. In fact the manager/assistant manager probably won't know either.

1000s of products are ordered/delivered to these stores every week - it's very common for certain products to be unavailable, and questions are not usually even asked. It's only when something is consistently off the shelves that enquiries are really made. Even then, all the stores want to do is source an alternative - they will very rarely have accurate feedback about the non availability of items.

So who will know?...it's not particularly fair on customers if nobody knows what's going on. The equivalent of being in miost clothing stores nowadays and asking for a size in a garment. You're lucky not to be abused! "If it's not out, we don't have it" is the usual response. I asked a guy in BT2 recently if he could order something and he pretty much laughed in my face.
Tesco in Clondalkin Village had these yogurts this evening - though it doesn't have a whole lot else.
Tesco in Clondalkin Village had these yogurts this evening - though it doesn't have a whole lot else.

What is the story with Tesco? I thought it was just the stores near me but it seems to be endemic across their whole chain of not having sufficient stock on their shelves of a lot of products. Their stock control system must be appalling...
What is the story with Tesco? I thought it was just the stores near me but it seems to be endemic across their whole chain of not having sufficient stock on their shelves of a lot of products. Their stock control system must be appalling...

Tesco are by far the worst as regards to stocking. The 24hr stores are especially poor.
I've given up going to Tesco 24 hours shops these days. They seem to spend hours rolling out trollies of stuff to be stocked on the shelves and wait until they are all out before stacking. The result is that you can't get up some of the aisles as they are stuffed with big trollies. And even if you do manage to get up the aisle you can't find what you need because the shelves haven't been stocked yet . . . I could wait a few hours and go shopping when the shelves have been stocked but I don't really like shopping at 0300. And don't get me started on their inability to have milk in stock whenever I go there.

Dunnes don't seem to have this issue with blocked aisles - they certainly have loads of pallets around with stock on them at the times I go, but there are always people stacking and there is never a problem getting up the aisle.

I've noticed the same with the aisles being blocked up in 24 hour Tescos as well- and what's the point in being able to buy gardening equipment, or household bits and pieces at 11pm at night if they don't have basic food stuff. I've long given up on Tesco, have started using one of those Dunnes that opens until 12pm instead and have encountered any such problems.
I'm having fillet steak after salivating over Havelaugh's meat realted thread. Roll on this evening!

It worked - I actually work for the board to promote Fillet Steak !! - Is there such a board !? If not there should be !!