Tesco Credit Card - They lost my documents



Just wondering what I should do on this one....

I applied for a Tesco Credit Card, got a letter back to say I had been approved and in order for them to send me the card I would have to send original documents to them and when they had been processed they would be posted back to me. So I sent bank statement & utility bill. The address was FREEPOST but wouldn't risk that, so I sent it by registered post. Anytime I rang to see what was happening I was told my documents were not up on the system. So this is going on for weeks. I asked to speak to the manager, who told me to get on to the Post Office and get the name of the person who signed for it.
I did that, and was told they would check it out. I said well if they are lost, and my personal details get into the wrong hands what are ye going to do about it?
(Oh I tell ye, the staff there were the worst gang I have ever spoken to.) He just said "well, we'll deal with that issue if it arises". They just answer your question bluntly and are like fuc&*^% robots.

So what I'm wondering is...Are they responsible for my documents, and what happens if they can't find them? It can't be right just to let them away with it.

Who would I go to for advice on this??
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
The Freepost probably directed the documents to a dedicated PO box for use by the team processing the applications. Your OP doesn't say where you sent the registered letter to, what more then likely has happened is that they've ended up somewhere else in Tescos and got lost/binned from there. If it was binned by them, then it is possible that it went in their confidential waste and has been destroyed

Because you did not use the correct process with Tescos, some of the responsibility for this will lie with yourself. If you are concerned, then I suggest you contact your bank immediatley and ask them for advice as to what you should/could do to minimise the risk to yourself, and whether or not there is a need to close your accounts and open up new ones. You should also keep a daily check online for any funny transactions hitting your accounts

And watch the language on here please
check with an post online or by phone and see was it signed for? just give the number on your receipt. it should come up delivered if it was actually delivered. by the way, i always use the freepost address to send important info and without any problems. i guess it woulld have been ok if done that way. let's hope you get it sorted. i find credit card applications an annoying process to be honest.

First of all, I did use the FREEPOST address, I just meant that I didn't want to send it and have no receipt, that is why I registered it. And yes, it was a Po box address. It was signed for ( i got the person's name ) so when I rang with this information they said they would look into it. Just thought there would be some sort of system in place when this type of thing happens.

And Mpsox - Regarding bad language very sorry, but I was mad when I wrote this!
They lost mine too! I returned them to the Freepost address provided. i applied mid March I think. when i followed up with them they advised that it could take up to 2 weeks for them to put up on their system and to wait til that time had lapsed. Once it had they said i would have to resend them.

They seem to be unidated with applications and unable to process them quickly. I have only received the applications for me to sign and return so they can issue the card, in all it has taken 2 months so far and i still have to receive the card.

At the time i also applied for a Halifax Credit card as i am trying to switch other credit card balances to 0% interest cards. it took about 2 weeks in total I'd say.
Tesco are absolutely appaling. As for their personal loans department their website advertised approval within 48 hours it took approx 5 working days. All paperwork bank statements etc sent to an address in dublin had to be re-routed to Belfast, every few days i got a courtesy call to say that they were still processing the application. Instead of calling me back they could have possibly be checking applications! It drove me mad they just seemed to be so inefficient, when i expressed my dissatisfation at the length of time it was taking they advised it was just due to the volume of applications. In the end we had not supplied our mortgage statments and a bank statement for the account from which the direct debit was coming from. As the income amount also varied from the amount i had inserted on the online application form ( i put in an average as my husbands salary varies due to shift work) they said that they would have to go through the whole approval system again, this took another 4 days!! They declined the loan. Our paperwork was back to us in 2 days!!

Initially the loan application was made to reorganise other debt to a lower interest rate with Tesco (6.9%) by the time we had gone through all this grief with them i honestly did not care as our debt level was not changing. I was just trying to consolidate and have a more efficient interest rate!