Terrible sense of foreboding



Over the last few months I've been feeling a gradually increasing sense of foreboding. It's like there is going to be a seismic change for the worse going to happen in the next year or so.

Anyone else have such feelings, or am I just going mad?
Yep, have that feeling too,as do a lot of friends and family..one of the reasons Im hoping to get away from here...only a matter of time..I hope..
Nope, don't have that feeling at all. On a personal basis, wife is expecting next month, my employers have restored all the pay cuts they asked us to take over the last 2 years as the company is exceeding it's profit targets, I've a major new project going live in the New Year and from a sales perspective, never been busier

On a national basis, we've a general election coming up which will clear a lot of the numptys out of power for ever, regardless of what you think about the IMF, at least it gives us funding for the foreseeable short/medium term future, the snow is gone and I'll stay up tonight to make sure 2010 is finally finished.
Over the last few months I've been feeling a gradually increasing sense of foreboding. It's like there is going to be a seismic change for the worse going to happen in the next year or so.

Anyone else have such feelings, or am I just going mad?
No, I feel the same way.
I think I know what the problem is.

It's five little words;

"Minister for finance Joan Burton".

Ladies and Gentlemen we are now leaving the frying pan...
Over the last few months I've been feeling a gradually increasing sense of foreboding. It's like there is going to be a seismic change for the worse going to happen in the next year or so.

Anyone else have such feelings, or am I just going mad?

Wouldn't worry too much, we're all doomed on December 21 2012 anyway
I have been OK since the doctor gave me happy XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, try that.
I'm wearing a T shirt I designed myself, it says:

"I lived through 2010 in Ireland, you can't scare me!!"

Catchy?, nah, but sums up my feelings, cant be having with all this doom, got it out of my system in 2010.
I had a delayed reaction on the foreboding- experienced it on New Years eve- damn you, upsidedown!