Terrapins (was "urgent terrapin needs help")


Registered User
one of our terrapins got out of thetank sorry to say dog got it and left two holes in its top and bottom shell now the question is can it survive and will the shell heal would be gratefull for prompt replys [havnt told daughters its still alive]
Re: urgent terrapin needs help

I know it's terrible, but I'm trying not to lol at the mental image - sorry!
Could these guys help?
A friend of mine kept terrapins when we were kids, and they struck me as pretty hardy little critters...
[P.S. I nominate this as non-financial question of the month!]
Re: urgent terrapin needs help

Hi Zooman,

Don't mind the Doc. he's obviously not as keen on animals as you/I.

There is a very good pet shop which specialises in this type of animal [broken link removed]

You could also try ringing Gillian Bird, [broken link removed] who is very helpful and might give you some useful advice.

Would love to hear how you get on and if the poor thing survives.
Re: urgent terrapin needs help

had to get it put down as dog had punctured its lung underred we have bought areplacement as the Dr siad they are hardy critters only the tooth nicked its lung it would have survived because all the vet does is fill the holes or cracks on there shells with fibreglass resin to no ill effect
Re: urgent terrapin needs help

Sorry to hear that, zooman.

Yes, the shell is there purely for protection (in the wild) and is basically made of dead skin cells, rather like our nails. Usually a pretty effective defense, too, although alas not enough in this case...

They tend not to have very distinctive features/'personalities' - so at least hopefully your daughter won't notice. Unless she visits AAM...
Re: urgent terrapin needs help

Hi zooman,

Sorry to hear about the poor terrapin. Hope the new one survives the dog and that your daughter is not too upset by replacement.

Maybe meself and the Doc could go along to the funeral as AAM representatives.
Re: urgent terrapin needs help

more than welcome have him buryed under slabs just waiting for daughter to make a headstone
Re: urgent terrapin needs help

aren't terrapins quite dangerous to have near kids as they carry salmonella????
Re: urgent terrapin needs help

Only if you eat the shell! And this one should be safe enough with all the pollyfilla in it.
I can't stop laughing, this is the funniest thing I've read in ages
Re: urgent terrapin needs help

Terrapin - RIP

and you can get the germs off them by simply handling them and not washing yoru hands properly afterwards AFAIK...they are not recommnded pets for kids anymore cause of it.
Re: urgent terrapin needs help

I'd say you're more likely to get salmonella from a chicken sandwich, tbh.

If only my poor little hamster (1977~1979, RIP) had had a shell like that... (sob!)
Re: urgent terrapin needs help

the Dr is right simple hygine steps after handling any animal [some humans to] is only commonsence we have four in a large tank for the last 3 years with no ill effects on family if you do your groundwork first you should have no probs your inatial outlay can be abit steep ours was around 400euro but there upkeep is buttons
Re: urgent terrapin needs help

legend99 said:
aren't terrapins quite dangerous to have near kids as they carry salmonella????
Who is 'they'? The kids or the terrapins?
Re: urgent terrapin needs help

not sure what you mean Rainyday and here pricila you think thats funny we have a couple of scottys and im fairly sure 1 bats for other side cause we keep finding hedgehog pines on his underbelly and its always every 2 weeks or so when he;s feeling frisky the other dog wedges himself into acorner out the back and under the shed he goes and he;s not seen for half an hour out he comes with these pines on him
Re: urgent terrapin needs help

I suspect there are a lot more deseases that you can get from dogs and cats that from terrapins.
Re: urgent terrapin needs help

Headline: Sexed up scottie is trisexual, will try sex with any animal.
So far he tried to asphixiate the terrapin and is banging a hedgehog, next you're going to tell me your cat has a gimp outfit!
Zooman, you could open a "petting zoo" for that dirty dog!
I'm going to be laughing for the night
Re: urgent terrapin needs help


Had you not got any isopan handy?
You could have patched him up and got Roy to give him a nice shinny gloss and a buffing

Re: urgent terrapin needs help

hows it goin stu long time no hear guess you havent seen the hillbillies paint jobs lately it would end up looking like a feckin zebra but the repairs are grand
Re: urgent terrapin needs help

Speaking of terripens, we had two of them years ago and handled them and never got sick. Sadly they died... never knew what age they were as its hard to tell apperantly. They were so cute and easy to manage and was wondering if their still available to purchase in pet shope as havnt seen any in years!