Tenant won't move out

Lodge dispute resolution with PRTB asap. It takes about 8-10 weeks before they will get to it. If they find in your favour, they will impose an order for him to make good any monies he owes you. Do not taint your position by doing anything illegal.I would not under any circumstances change locks or get heavies involved.

Hopefully talking to him may help him decide that it is in his best interest to move on. I would be forceful but remain within in the law. Let him do the talking, find out why he wont move on. Have a read of some negotiation tips off the net.

Best of luck with it. I think the Residential tenancies act should be amended to capture the fact that people sometimes dont pay their rent. Lobby your politician.
I think the Residential tenancies act should be amended to capture the fact that people sometimes dont pay their rent. Lobby your politician.

Agreed: The act imposed a number of duties on Landlords without any commensurate rights.
Agreed: The act imposed a number of duties on Landlords without any commensurate rights.

Except of course for Part 3 which deals entirely with rent and in particular 3.23 which deals with rent arrears. Which part of the existing law would you like to see repeated in new legislation?
Hi all, a month on after appropriate notice, and as a gesture of goodwill extended this to another month looks like the Tennant will still refuse to move out this weekend. I dont wana get into too much detail here. I am in contact with a solicitor at present who has written up a reminder of notice and posted.
Basically what do I do after the 'extra' month is up and they are still in my property.I know solicitor will advise as of the best coarse but wuld like an opinion here.
Am I right in thinking that they are basically intruders in my home-which I am moving back into my self the weekend, and treat them as that? Change locks as mentioned here? I see the PRTB are SEEM very pro tennant on this matter judging by past rulings.Dont wana get this wrong.Any ideas please.?
Have you approached the PRTB? They are not pro-tenant, they act according to the 2004 Residential Tenancies Act and if you, as a landlord, have complied with the act in your dealings with your tenants, they will assist you.

Read through some of the other judgements - a lot of the rulings are in the landlords' favour.

Whatever you do, don't change the locks and evict them - it's illegal and will cost you dearly if they know their rights.
''Whatever you do, don't change the locks and evict them - it's illegal and will cost you dearly if they know their rights''

Is this defo illegal? I have followed everything by the book in terms of agreement. I want this sorted asap not 10weeks down the line.

I need to move back in myself on the weekend.

If you're in need of legal advice you should be talking to your solicitor rather than relying on any advice myself or anyone else here is giving you. They are not "intruders in my home", they are tenants of a property you rented out. You have no rights to change locks and illegally evict them. I have no idea how you expect to move back in legally whilst the tenant is still in place. When you became a landlord you were offering a service to a customer, not doing someone a favour by letting them kip on your couch.
It's very difficult to get a tenant to move out when they don't want to. I had a case where it took 6 months to evict tenants who had stopped paying rent - it eventually went to court and only when the balliffs arrived, did they move.

It shouldn't take that long these days with the PRTB - you still haven't said if you've contacted them and what they're doing to assist.
lodge a dispute resolution as soon as possible with the PRTB, dont keep postponing it. Detail all the facts and document them for the PRTB. DR form is on their site. Call them first, hours open 10-12.30 due to a huge backlog. Hence, lodge DR form asap. Cost is €25 and much cheaper than a solicitor. I am involved in a case at the moment. Once its resolved, I will post details and the outcome, wont do so now in case I prejudice it somehow.

Nowhere in the law does it deal with people overstaying or not paying rent when they refuse to move on, you have to go through this process to remove them from your property.

best of luck
I would be of the opinion that serious anti-social behaviour would be in the same ball park as not paying the rent.

What did the social welfare say? I had same problem recently and they said they would stop all their payments until it was sorted out. They should have done this for you.
Well its very complicated. Basically, Im taking the softly approach with him, talking with him to resolve it as peacefully as possible.He has done the paper work for another place (supposedly) but has to collect the keys end of the week. If not I am going to lodge a dispute with PRTB. I have been in contact with a solicitor- to get a court order to kick him out will cost 6-10k and two years appearently? So thats not an option. There is alot more to it that I'll post back here after the situation is resolved. Bottom line Ive learned that in this situation Landlords have zero rights and Tenant has everything on there side basically.
its only their word that they say they are moving...maybe they are not and stringing you along. First things first, the SW should be stopping their money if they get a complaint from a landlord.
secondly, you are better calling into the PRTB in Ranelagh if you can...I tried calling them the last 2 weeks and no chance getting through. Even went down the email route for a few days and still wasn't getting the answers I wanted.
Finally, got off my ar$e and drove in on spec and had a meeting with one of their staff.

My tenant moved out at the weekend, but didn't pay the last months rent and the deposit just covered that, leaving me nothing to pay for the bad condition the house was left in. I am in the process of filing an application for Dispute Resolution to see if they can obtain some money from them to pay for the damages.

They seem to be fair in there...after all its the landlords now who are lining their pockets, so the last thing they want to do is start pi$$ing a lot of them off and telling them they haven't a leg to stand on when disputes like these arise. I found them very fair and honest with me which gave me encouragement.

Its frustrating to be in the situation you are in, and all you want to do is change the locks, but try to go down the legal route first.

Best of luck
Thanks for advise and recomendation tosullivan. Your right, after Thursdya thats the next step. I dont wana cancel SW payment as thats the only money im getting at the moment. I have spoken to them regrding the matter. After T is out I have some info that they might be interested regarding T.
All I want to do is change the lock and F them out is right but I be in worse situation then.Just have to remain frustrated,annoyed and bitter for now.
I have emailed PRTB and they responded the next day.
If the utiliy bills are in your name the you can threaten to cut the gas/ESB off. Would get yourself in trouble if you do cut them off but you can threaten anyway. If the utility bills are in the tenants name and are in arrears make sure you wont gat caught for these arrears.
I have contacted GAS and ELEC. Gas has already been turned off for non payment and EBS have not yet turned off, although only 30euro has only been paid in 12months.
Both accounts are not in MY name so when I move back in will not affect me. Although will be a bit of hassle as both will need proof that house has been rented out- fax a lease agreement.
Just a little more hassle again.
I was tempted to turn off Elec outside myself!
To claim squatters rights he’d need to have continuous possession of the property for a period of 12 years.
Interested to see how this goes

RTB are not there for Ladlords
All the susgestions of changing locks birng big mates cut off anything will play in to tenants hands.
Be careful
Make sure everything you do is full y in line with RTB rules.

Best of luck hope this gets sorted soon
I’m not suggesting this as a course of action but I did laugh when I heard it.

A friend of a friend had serious problems with a tenant. The kind of problems where the PRTB aren’t involved. Non payment of rent, criminal behaviour, etc.

The guy engaged a security consultant who took away all of the doors, external and internal. The guys were gone pretty quickly after that. Very tricky to use the loo or sleep soundly with no doors!
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