Temporary clerical officer roles


New Member
Hi all!

New here but need some help and advice. I am currently in a part time (4 day) job .. I've been applying for the temporary clerical officer jobs since last year. I got past the interviews and have been offered a position but it is only for 4 weeks ( with 4 weeks training prior). I am being pressed for an answer but basically is it worth giving up my part time job for an 8 week contract just to get my foot in the door?

I feel so stupid because I've been trying for these types of jobs for quite a while because I want to apply for a mortgage in the coming years and need a mortgagable job which a part time one won't count as, but it's money in weekly. I don't know what to do . My partner can't find work here so I'm the sole earner at the minute, any advice or if someone has had a similar role or offer? I was so disappointed when I read it was for 8 weeks.
Sorry yes the position I was offered was an 8 week temporary clerical . I am in a part time job currently . I know I need a permanent job for a mortgage . What I'm asking if anyone who has had these very short temporary positions had it turn into a permanent position or been called for another job etc . I know my part time job will not get me a mortgage and neither will a temporary one but as a seaway into that sector .