Telephone Extensions


Registered User
Currently have 1 phone socket in the house and would like a couple of telephone extensions in the living room and bedroom.

Anyone recommendations of people who'll do this for me (wire and terminate) ?? Or has anyone done a similar job ?

I'm on the northside of Dublin.

Don't fancy paying top dollar for eircom to do it..... not sure they would though

You can buy a device that transmits your phone signal through tour electricity sockets and by moving the reciever you can have a phone ext. in any room without wiring. Alternatively just buy a wireless phone with extra handsets.

Any electrician can do this. However, if it's just phone you need it's a lot simpler just to get a DECT phone - for example, see

Although we wired our house for phone extensions, we haven't used it for ages now since we did this. I think a pair of DECT phones (one base station, one charger for the 2nd phone and 2 phones) is less than €100 now. You can also get 4 phone setups. Probably cheaper than getting the wiring done, and definitely more convenient.
we have that arrangement on our office..... 1 base station, 2 nos. (1 phone + 1 fax). and 4 phones....... can use the two numbers simultaneously... dont know what the standing charges and usual bill is though....