TEETU Dispute with the Electrical Contractors (REA's etc)


Registered User
I know there is a thread about the electrians strike,but I think after listening to this guy today ,that it deserves a thread of its own.

All the people who were on the show tried to make this person see sense,but he wasnt listening,it was absolutly stunning to hear Devoy defend his postion.

A man from the union Devoy heads ,said he went to a meeting last night and told the union officials there that he would be happy to take a pay freeze or even a pay cut.This man said he would prefer to have a job than a pay rise which may only be of benifit to him for the short amount of time his now employer can keep him on.
He went on to say that he would not pass the pickets.

I believe this is because he CANNOT pass the pickets.The reason for this and I think it should the public domain,is that if members of this union do pass a picket ,the union can withdraw their membership,which means they will not be able to work anywhere!!Without this "card" they cannot be employed.
I feel this is the only reason many many members of this union will feel they are not in a position to pass.

Devoy came accross as condesending arrogant and ignorant.
This is not responsible leadership!!

When asked by a caller how he would pay his morgage etc,Devoy said there was strike pay! HELLO, thats the grand amount of 125e a week.

How will Devoy will feel when many many of his members are homeless and on the dole,due to imcompetent leadership.

I understand that electricians are frightened and worried about the outcome of the proposed strike.

Heres my two pence worth,employers should take them on,see how they survive on 125 a week,and those members can look to Devoy for the answer to all their problems,if they are stupid enough to go ahead with the strike they should suffer the consequences,but more importantly they should look for heads to roll.

I can clearly see that if people are not being treated properly/paid a fair wage,they should have the right to call their employers to task.

However when one is being paid a very good wage and there is the worst recession in history on,and you strike for a pay rise,well ,you deserve what you get.

If its true that the members of this union are not happy with their leadership they should do something about it and quickly.

Devoy also made making a profit sound like it was a dirty word,he has forgotton that if companys dont make a profit they will withdraw from this country like many before them.

I understand that Devoy just represents the members views but having listened to him today ,one wonders how out of touch this man is.There is a link below so you can hear it for yourself.

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Re: Eamon Devoy on Joe duffy today

Electrician friend of mine travelled from Dublin to Cork airport last week on a promise of a day's contract work. Got frog marched off the site on arrival for not having a union card.

Now I ask you, what could a union do for a previously self-employed, currently unemployed contractor?

But then, maybe that's the point.
Re: Eamon Devoy on Joe duffy today

Despite all you say Devoy is media savvy and will not be bullied and would inspire confidence in negotiations and would be delighted if he was negotiating on my behalf!
His interview on Morning Ireland was a case study of how to stick to your point and when in trouble stick to your guns and not be bullied by the interviewer.
The claim etc is not really of interest to me but his modus operandi was refreshingly simple direct and effective. The fact he was the main man on Joe Duffy exemplifies this.
Re: Eamon Devoy on Joe duffy today

Is that what you call ignorant,"media savvy"?

"Refreshingly simple and direct and effective" you say..I would think that just because one keeps repeating something ,refusing to give way in the face of reasonable argument ,call people "brothers",lead a group of people to strike and look for a pay rise in this enviorment shows:

No direction...what kind of leadership is this showing

Effective.......the backlash was incredible,he did the unions no favours

Simple...........Id agree with that,as one would have to be to lead people who are terrified of losing their jobs ,into strike mode.

What do you mean "the main man"? I doubt he would allow anyone else to do the talking..a lot of these union heads are on a power trip and as the last caller said ,theres an ego there.

Good negotiating isnt about sticking to your guns,that gets you no where.
And remember any electrician who passes the picket can have his card withdrawn and will not then be able to work anywhere,so if you were an electrician and even if you dont want to support this strike,what choice would they have?

Its either pass the picket and perhaps lose you card hence you cant work.Or dont pass,and cause issues for your employer and hence maybe lose your job,the electrians are in a no win situation here.

However if 93% of them voted for strike,they deserve all they get.

I would love to know how many actually voted,in other words 93% of what number.

Anyone know how many people voted in the first place? I doubt very much that this information would be put in the public domain.
Re: NEETU Eletricians Dispute (Eamon Devoy on Joe Duffy)

Arthur Scargill started out with a small house and a big union. He finished up with a big house and a small union. How come some of these electricians cannot call unoffocial meetings for a show of hands? This should be easy to organise - email, text, mobile etc. And all pretty anonymous. Are they all too afraid? And then, if the response is positive (pun not intended), could they not start another union? Or at least get rid of this "legend in his own mind"?
Re: NEETU Eletricians Dispute (Eamon Devoy on Joe Duffy)

Good points there,however if you were an electrician and you knew that you "card" (which is the only way electricians are allowed to work in Ireland,)could be pulled by the union,would anyone be brave enough to risk it?

And I understand one HAS to be a member of the TEEU to get this "card" which allows one to work in this country.(open to correction on this )

And thats the problem at the core of this issue,strike you lose,dont strike you lose.

Until the unions start to come accross as willing to negotiate based on current climate,they will just seem to be doing the country and its workers a diservice,they wont have public support if they contuinue blindly going into strike mode,imho , risking so many jobs.
Re: NEETU Eletricians Dispute (Eamon Devoy on Joe Duffy)

The members of the union voted (By a very large majority, I understand) for strike. So what is Eamon Devoy supposed to do -- ignore the wishes of the union's membership?
Re: NEETU Eletricians Dispute (Eamon Devoy on Joe Duffy)

Good points there,however if you were an electrician and you knew that you "card" (which is the only way electricians are allowed to work in Ireland,)could be pulled by the union,would anyone be brave enough to risk it?

As I understand it, if an employer tries to get someone without the card to do electrical work, his union guys will walk - so what's to stop the largest employers getting together and agreeing to hire non-unionised labour, creating a market for it? Seems like the obvious next step for them.
Re: NEETU Eletricians Dispute (Eamon Devoy on Joe Duffy)

The members of the union voted (By a very large majority, I understand) for strike. So what is Eamon Devoy supposed to do -- ignore the wishes of the union's membership?

I hear what you are saying,and I agree he should not ignore the wishes of his members.

93% is a very large majority,however 93% of what number is the question I would like answered.

Whilst not ignoring the wishes of his members,there is surely a responsibility to guide and lead those members to a responsible outcome,ie;not striking or looking for a pay rise in this enviorment.Bearing in mind that he may have done just that,and the members/electricians still wanted to go ahead,and as I said in an earlier post,if this is the case then they deserve all that they wont get...

The way he came accross on the Joe Duffy show,did not show to me that he was looking for a comprimise,I think he came accross like a bull in a china shop.

There is a time and a place when strike action is required and thats fine ,but not now...?
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Re: NEETU Eletricians Dispute (Eamon Devoy on Joe Duffy)

I think this would be a step too far.There is a need/want for unions.

Thacher/wopping in the 80s would be an example of how that would turn out.Scab labour it what this was called.

Crafts are one of the biggest unions.

However if things contuinue the way they seem to be,it may be the only option,I hope not.
Re: NEETU Eletricians Dispute (Eamon Devoy on Joe Duffy)

Thought I was listening to " Reeling in the Years" when I heard that Dinosaur on the radio last friday. The problem as I see it is that in many cases the interviewer is not up to speed on the matters. Dino kept referring to the increase that was ratified, this was eventually rejected by the Labour court in February after a prolonged fight by the newly formed NECI, who now represent more Contractors than the ECA and AECI. As far as I am aware all ECA & AECI firms are adhering to the current REA rates, not Dino's version of events.
To insinuate that Contractors wish to engage race to the bottom and have sparks on minimum pay rates is like calling the Irish army a super power! Dino also referred to Contracors as being merely Employment Agencies !! This post will be deleted if not edited immediately wept, this was the really frightening aspect of Dino's arguement, the guy probably still thinks the earth is FLAT.
Jack O'Connor on the Radio this morning was a disgrace. These guys were given too much power by Bertie as social partners and their Ego's are in melt down at he moment. Electrical Contractors are doing their utmost to secure works and to hold on to jobs, office staff have taken between 1 and 3 pay cuts to date to help the situation.
And as regards to the ballot, i've spoken to about a dozen sparks over the last week and not one of them were balloted !
Re: NEETU Eletricians Dispute (Eamon Devoy on Joe Duffy)

WOW,couldnt have put it better myself!

A friend of mine was at work today,where there are NO contractor electricians and next thing she looked out the window and there were the pickets!!
She has no idea who they are! OR why they are there! the company is not involved in the strike!!
Re: NEETU Eletricians Dispute (Eamon Devoy on Joe Duffy)

not all of the electricians have gone on strike as not all of them are members of the TEEU, i know our our outsourced property/facility suppliers where I work have no electricians on strike today as they are non-unionised
Re: NEETU Eletricians Dispute (Eamon Devoy on Joe Duffy)

The members of the union voted (By a very large majority, I understand) for strike. So what is Eamon Devoy supposed to do -- ignore the wishes of the union's membership?

A lot of the people who voted are currently unemployed so its not exactly a inconvienence for them!
Re: NEETU Eletricians Dispute (Eamon Devoy on Joe Duffy)

Then all the rest of the unions will down tools and all jobs will come to a halt, to date the rest of the unions havent commited, i think siptu have stated they will stop work for 1 day but that is all.
Re: NEETU Eletricians Dispute (Eamon Devoy on Joe Duffy)

Another thing which has tobe noted is the fact that other unions ( blocklayers and carpenters) are renegiotiating there rate at the minute with individual contractors with aview to getting a standardised reduction in the rates. They have accepted at least a 20% deduction on the rates. It will be interesting to see if they will row in behind the TEEU
Re: NEETU Eletricians Dispute (Eamon Devoy on Joe Duffy)

A friend of mine was at work today,where there are NO contractor electricians and next thing she looked out the window and there were the pickets!!
She has no idea who they are! OR why they are there! the company is not involved in the strike!!

Whats the story with these people picketing Diageo and Cadbury today?? This is truely ridiculous. Diageo had to get an injunction against them.
Re: NEETU Eletricians Dispute (Eamon Devoy on Joe Duffy)

Dont know what the story is there.

The girl I know works for a company in Cork.

She tells me there are electricians there who are TEEU members ,so possibly she was wrong .
Re: NEETU Eletricians Dispute (Eamon Devoy on Joe Duffy)

I thought this was just a one day stoppage but have heard this morning it is entering it's second day.
Are the electricians on strike indefinitely?
Re: NEETU Eletricians Dispute (Eamon Devoy on Joe Duffy)

I'm normally against strikes but are these people owed money? If they are really owed money then should they not be given what they're owed?

From what I gather they had an agreement but I stand corrected.