Teenage drinking.....



Myself and Mrs d2 met for lunch today and she told me a little story that I thought I'd seek some opinions on. Firstly though, some background. We live in a pretty typical estate full of semi d's in Dublin 24. My eldest daughter is 15...She likes to go out to meet her friends (there are about 12 of them who all went to playschool, primary and now secondary together) but she's getting a bit fed up with the fact that the Gardai move them on, either because they are in a group or maybe because neighbours complain etc. She has no issues with a Garda presence if some of the 'gang' are drinking and always comes home if this is the case as she doesn't want to get into trouble.

The other night, one of the group was escorted home by the Gardai and reported to his mother for drinking, he's 15. Now this is the bit that amazed us....His mother let him back out 10 minutes later

So, now we are trying to explain to her, firstly why the Gardai move them on during the occasions that none of the group are drinking and also why the mother let the kid back out.....This kid by the way is easily managed (no tearaway stories here)....Do some parents not give a damn or is it just complete ignorance ?? Either way, it doesn't help some of us who set fair and consistent boundaries for our children
you dont say how much under the influence he was(she may have been glad to let him out) and it may be he sneaked back out. Either way all you can do as a parent is lay down your parameters for your children as unfortunately you will be told where to go if you interfere. As with everything there is good parenting and not so good.
