Teacher's Union Pay Levels


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I couldn't care less really what a Union decides to pay it's staff, and am well aware of the Indo agenda, but I just thought this comment from TUI president Bernie Ruane was funny.

"The union opposes pay cuts for anybody and accordingly refused to make cuts to the salaries of its own staff."

The motion put forward by delegates at the TUI conference, which was defeated, called for pay cuts to ensure membership and employees of the union were "treated equally".
As ever some are more equal than others.
Yes some are more equal than others.
I once heard an American man asking what do you mean by ordinary man. I have heard many Irish people describing people as 'ordinary' Who are these extraordinary people. Browtal
Well if we are to accept Jackie Healy Rays definition, he is someone who eats his dinner in the middle of the day.

So that makes me and all I know extraordinary.