Teachers Strike


Registered User
Can anyone point me to a site which explains in clear terms exactly what the Teachers strike is about, i.e. what exactly are the looking for?
A breakdown of what they get paid (not their pay scale) would also be great.
It's all on their [broken link removed] Purple. In a nutshell they want to row back on the different pay scales introduced after 2010 so that there is just one pay scale for all teachers. I believe they also want the restoration of allowances (that were already granted to those inside the Lansdowne Rd agreement). What they get paid on the different pay scales is also on the asti website (e.g. the [broken link removed]).
They did supervision and substitution for no extra pay for over 50 years. Will they also row back to that situation?

Have they any suggestions as to how their neighbours are going to pay for it?
ASTI teachers are reporting for work today, most schools are closed because of the withdrawal of substitution and supervision. Will the teachers be paid for the day? I have asked a number of teachers and they all claim not to know.
ASTI teachers are reporting for work today, most schools are closed because of the withdrawal of substitution and supervision. Will the teachers be paid for the day? I have asked a number of teachers and they all claim not to know.
I certainly hope they aren't paid as the reason the schools are closed is because they won't do the substitution and supervision to cover their striking workmates.
According to the News at 1 on radio1, the ASTI members won't be paid for each day the schools are closed
Don't know. I 'd presume it's just ASTI or else there'd be open warfare with the various unions
I do wish RTE would balance their reports on these things a bit better. The report on the 9 o'clock news last night just contained angry teachers blaming the government for the school closures, saying they wanted to teach and were locked out of the schools ... as if they had absolutely nothing to do with the closures. The absolute cheek of them to come out with these statements and not to have this countered in any way left me just a tad angry!

+1 Complete one-sided reporting from RTE.
I think that the mammies of Ireland have had enough. If the teachers dont go back to work soon there will be a major public backlash against them.

Whatever about the merits of the pay claims of the guards and other public servants, teachers earn a full years salary for 33 weeks work, and a full weeks salary for 22 hours teaching time.
Its good to know we get value for our licence fee. However Finucane etc make up for any bias to unions with their Blueshirt capitalist pronouncements. Easy to do on 300000 plus a year for four hours a week
Whatever about the merits of the pay claims of the guards and other public servants, teachers earn a full years salary for 33 weeks work, and a full weeks salary for 22 hours teaching time.

I agree and it makes a mockery of the Landsdowne Road agreement that the other public sector workers signed up to.
C'mon, why on earth would you expect anything better from the Public Sector Broadcaster?