Have been following this thread with interest, as I also have an AVC investment account with Cornmarket ,although I'm not a teacher.
On querying the poor performance of the sum invested thus far, I was told my contributions are currently invested in Eagle Star's Balanced fund and SuperCAPP fund.
The Balanced Fund is a medium risk fund, and the SuperCAPP Fund offers a high level of security with the potential for real growth, I should add I'm paraphrasing the bumph a bit here , just to give you an idea of the type of hype I had to wade my way through to get at something approaching the truth.
The set up fee was 37.50% of the first years contributions, for a thirteen year term, and any susbsequent topups have a similar charging structure, to add insult to injury.
The service is 5% of contributions per annum.
The total charges deducted from my contributions over this period will amount to (according to CMarket) 7.62% of the total paid in .
They believe that these charges are fair and reasonable........On an AVC fund thats losing me my hard earned money.
The tax relief available on AVC's is the only reason I'm hanging in there at the moment, plus the fact that due to years of jobsharing while my kids were small, I will have a very compromised lump sum when i retire, and I have no wish to be working well into my dotage!
Is the same tax relief available on a PRSA, if the AVC was to be discontinued,
and the PRSA set up instead.