Teacher with multiple properties living on the breadline

Meanwhile I have reduced my southern overdrafts from €8,000 to €6,500. My plan is keep my head firmly down until the summer. By summer I would hope to have my overdrafts reduced to about €2,500..

Good for you, glad things are moving in the right direction.

Remember that some landlord related costs have increased this year; only 75% of interest now allowable against tax, second home tax. Make sure you're budgeting for these on a monthly basis so you don't see your overdraft grow when the bills come in!
Well done. you appear to be on the right track and hopefully something will start to pick up.
At least all your property in not in the republic as your sterling exposure may prove the thing that gets you through.
Good, Paddybloggit. The longer than expected low tracker rates have been a godsend and I've managed to increase my earned income by about €8,000 pa also. That has allowed me to make further inroads into the debt mountain - won't be comfortably clear of the woods for another year or so but have managed to hold things together and relax my expenditure (on things like real life!) as I've went along. Am glad thus far that I have done the right thing hanging on to my properties. And yes, I do realise that prices may well fall another while yet...