TD's get redundancy from their Council jobs

Absurd. This shows that wastage of public monies is so acceptable.

We don't need so much local govt.

This government has not delivered either local authority or reform in the planning area.

There is such a sense of entitlement in the public sector.

The myth that the Croke park deal is working is being sold by this govt.

They are living in fantasy land.
So they got a better paid job as a TD or Senator and they were still given a cash pay off.

The mind boggles.
While most were unapologetic about taking the payments, others said they should be reviewed or even scrapped.

Yep I've got mine having found a bigger trough at which to stick my snout into,so no skin offa my nose, spent it on a Mercedes Benz and a 2 week holiday in the Carribean but yes this should be reviewed by some subcommittee for 5 years before they publish a 200 page report supporting its retention.

Is it any wonder people do not pay that household charge if this is indicative of how its been squandered.

You would really just throw your hat at it wouldn't you.
even the die hard 'socialists' such as Joan Collins took the cash.....every last 1 of them in there are the same.
we simply do not have the calibre of people in this country who are capable of good government....
even the die hard 'socialists' such as Joan Collins took the cash.....

"The trouble with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money."
(Margaret Thatcher 1976)

In Our case its expensively borrowed EU/IMF/ECB money that really could be diverted to God knows how many more deserving front line services.
First of all, these payments are not 'Redundancy' payments, so the OP's title is very misleading. Its actually unfair to those who are awaiting redundancy payments.

Now onto the payments themselves. Who set up the system for these payments? Fianna Fail/PD's. Who was in power in the run up to the last General Election? Fianna Fail/Green's. A system is in place and has been for a number of years to 'compensate' City & County Councillors if they give up their seat on election to the Houses of the Oireachtas. An incoming Government cannot simply scrap these payments to incoming TD's and Senetors. They can however reform the system for future elections, which for all we know is already being planned.

But the Irish Indo does it again, whips up a storm over a very small amount of money in the grand scheme of things. And before anyone criticises me, have a look at what a sitting Councillor is paid. I would not do it for the money, that is for sure. Most Councillor's also have full or part time jobs as the salary is that low.
Too many councils and local authorities.

Councils need rationalisation big time.

The priority should be on service delivery-It seems to be on maintaining an awful administration system.

How many Mayors have we in Cork?

12, 14 or 16?

In reality - we should have one regional authority delivering services.
But the Irish Indo does it again, whips up a storm over a very small amount of money in the grand scheme of things. And before anyone criticises me, have a look at what a sitting Councillor is paid.

Its not a small amt of money not in the context of where Ireland is right now,down on all fours rummaging around in the back of the sofa hunting for coppers,its symptomatic of a wider problem that has not been addressed,this sense of entitlement that bizarrely allows compensation for someone moving up the chain of influence to a better paid,better perked job,paid for out of the revenue from tax payers who will now have to countenance Property/Water charges on top of all the other taxes to keep this bankrupted State on track.

As for County Councillors salary being on the poor side well you wouldn't think it when the expenses are published and if they have a problem with it then let them get off the gravy train at the next stop there are no shortage of candidates looking for a window seat.

So don't give me that ould nonsense of its only a few bob in the grand scheme of things because its just defending the indefensible.
You would not believe the level of renumeration (including expenses) they are on. Could not believe a county mayor got 120K including expenses.
it's not a small amount of money to schools losing their Special Need Assistants to to those people protesting outside the Dail this week who are having their care hours cut back.
And it's not just about the money- it's symbolic of the rotten system we have in this country
And it's not just about the money- it's symbolic of the rotten system we have in this country

It wasnt rotten when money was being thrown left right and centre and 'everyone' was sharing a piece of the pie as they say. Its only rotten now that there is no money in the public purse and I agree that its also rotten when there is no money for special needs assistants, but this is a contractual agreement that cannot be just cancelled on the election of a new Govenrnment and because the Indo says its wrong. Why didnt Fianna Fail scrap it before the last General Election?

It will surely be scrapped before the next General Election though.
you seem more upset with the Indo for reporting it than the actual payment itself...
its rotten because the TD's accepted it, knowing full well the country is in a bad way but it justs backs up my comments elsewhere.
You would not believe the level of renumeration (including expenses) they are on. Could not believe a county mayor got 120K including expenses.

You wouldn't like to remind us about which party set up these renumeration schemes, would you? Hint: It's initials are F - F.
You wouldn't like to remind us about which party set up these renumeration schemes, would you? Hint: It's initials are F - F.

Indeed but if FG and Labour dont act and reduce/abolish these rediculous payouts, they are equally complicit and will get punished in the next election. I think we all know they aren't prepared to make the tough decisions. Meanwhile our front line services deteriorate. My kids school lost 2 excellent young teachers this year due to cost cutting and increased class sizes and yet the waste of money continues in out city and county councils.
Indeed but if FG and Labour dont act and reduce/abolish these rediculous payouts, they are equally complicit and will get punished in the next election.

Why Fine Gael baulked at making the tough cuts and hard decisions within weeks of forming a Govt is utterly beyond me,they had the goodwill of most people to make the hard choices and the wind was at their back instead they bottled it and took the easy road.

However who else am I going to vote for,hardly Fianna Fail with Micheal Marin at the helm,Labour?not a chance ditto the rest of the raggle tag army of mouthy socialist misfits.

All someone like me can hope for is that at the next election the electorate give Fine Gael a majority Govt and free reign and that they sort out the entitlement culture first before coming looking to the working and middle classes for additional tax revenue.

i dont think they have it in them to make the big decisions. as you say, they had the mood of the country behind them but have'nt delivered on any of the big changes....the seanad, the myriad of county and town councils, major PS reform rather than slow change etc etc

They simply don't have it in them to make the changes. I may not vote next time as I just can't see anyone worth voting for
In fairness to FG they were forced into a coalition due to the fact that they did not enjoy the support & good will of most of the electorate - they amassed. 36.1 % of The 1st preference votes cast.