TCS Wins €10m Auto-Enrolment Pension Contract


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Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) has won the tender for the government's pension auto-enrolment scheme following a public procurement process.

TCS was awarded the 10-year contract, reported to be worth €10m, following the passing of the landmark Automatic Enrolment Retirement Savings System Bill, pending presidential approval.

The Indian-headquartered company has a global delivery centre based in Letterkenny, Co. Donegal and currently provides pension administration, cyber security and IT support. The group also administers the UK's equivalent auto-enrolment scheme, NEST, with c.13m participants.
I worked with TCS many times. The €10m be swallowed up quickly and there will be more and more budget sought and they will place low wage offshore staff on the project to just keep the pulse going.
10 years to implement, more like.

A highly complex project, particularly when Revenue won't be the Dept. routing the money.
I know TCS actually run loads of pensions in the UK (I believe Aviva have outsourced their IT and possibly customer service to them), so it shouldn't be too hard for them. Do they also have the UK NEST auto enrollment? The big blocker will be a lack of a fund manager.
10 years to implement, more like.

A highly complex project, particularly when Revenue won't be the Dept. routing the money.
Revenue were open to running the collection part. It would just be threatened as another tax to collect and enforce collection of. A few more fields add to their existing PAYE Modernisation system. Now employers will have to deal with two organisations and systems, the second largely duplicating the functions of Revenue.
I know TCS actually run loads of pensions in the UK (I believe Aviva have outsourced their IT and possibly customer service to them), so it shouldn't be too hard for them. Do they also have the UK NEST auto enrollment? The big blocker will be a lack of a fund manager.
Yes, TCS implemented NEST, but the UK tried to replace them and failed.