Taxpayers won't bless this Pope trip - it never ends


Registered User
I consider myself a Christian first and a Catholic second,the behaviour of this Pope to the issue of child abuse is beneath contempt,if he never visited here I wouldnt be bothered one bit in the slightest,how he and others can call themselves men of God is bizarre in the extreme.

I wonder if this guy and his cronies would have undertaken this pointless visit if he had to put his mitts into his own pocket to fund it??

There really needs to be a complete lock down in how tax payers money is spent and people need to held to serious account if public money is wasted in such a fashion.
Am very glad to read the preceding posts and encourage anyone in the Dublin region to log on to and join up !

(cashier -in my senility in another thread last week I confused you with ciaranT -he with the informative bestbuy deposit guides. Sorry!)
Am very glad to read the preceding posts and encourage anyone in the Dublin region to log on to and join up !


oldnick, you have to be kidding us...join the Orange order indeed. Everytime I see one of those banners, "Remember 1690", I wish they would forget it and give us all a bit of peace.

It reminds me of the joke about a plane landing in Belfast. The pilot tells the passengers they are now landing in NI and to please put their watches back 300 years.
The Orange Order may feel justified in many of their stands.

- It can rightly point out that increasingly in the Republic of Ireland there is a growing
antipathy towards the RC church.
- And, like a great number of Irish people, the O.O. object to the Pope's visit. Although not actually a slogan of the O.O. the sentiment of "XXXX the Pope" seems to be one now shared by many down here.
- Their refrain that "Home Rule is Rome Rule" has been proved to be correct in many aspects of life until very recently (and in education still is) . Ireland has never been truly free because of Rome -as per your own sentiment in a recent post.

As regards turning the clock back I wonder how much of that will be going on leading up to and during the 1916 centenary commeration.

But ,yes, I was kidding ...
I would have no desire to join the OO - besides the fact I'm an atheist and they're a pretty religious bunch, I'm much too socially superior to join such a lower middle class order !
I just thought that many of the views expressed in this and other threads - and the general conversation nowadays- about the RC church sounds so much like what the OO has been saying for years......
.. so, mischievously, i googled OO in Dublin I and found the website of the Dublin Orange Order.
Actually, came across as quite moderate.