Taxation expert required


Registered User

a mate of mine who runs his own business seems to have gotten himself into a bit of trouble with the taxman following a recent audit. He has an accountant who handles everything financial for him, but it looks like he was'nt doing a great job.
I'm not privy to all the details but the Revenue have asked him for a lot of info etc and his accountant thinks (knows!!!) he could be about to get hit with a large bill. He asked me (i think 'cos I live in Dublin) did I know of any taxation experts for small businesses who might have dealt with this before- unfortunately I don't know anyone in that line of work. Does anyone out there have experience of being in a similar situation or know of anyone who's an expert on this type of thing.

many thanks.
Surely he should be able to resolve this with his accountant.
Isn't that what he pays him for.

What part of the country is he in ?
Surely he should be able to resolve this with his accountant.
Isn't that what he pays him for.

What part of the country is he in ?

northwest. from what I heard I don't think his accountant is up to much. he needs someone who's dealt with this before