Just completing Tax Return for 2007. Can I claim for GP visits for my daughter? I still use my maiden name for work/tax purposes, so she does have a different surname to me.
I know I don't have to provide the receipts - but I like to have it all there just in case I get an audit.
On behalf of a dependant. (A dependant is any relative of yours or any other person who at any time during the year of claim is aged 65 years or over or who is permanently incapacitated by reason of mental or physical infirmity.)
On behalf of a relative. A relative is defined as:
Husband, wife, ancestor, lineal descendant, brother or sister
Mother or father of your spouse
Brother or sister of your spouse
Spouse of your son or daughter
Your child, Any other child, who in the year of the claim, is in your custody and maintained at your expense and under 18 years of age, or if over 18 years of age, is receiving full-time education.