Just wondering about this (i.e. if, like those paying anunal refuse service charges, those on "pay as you go" bin bag tag systems can also claim tax relief) and I see that Revenue have an online claim mechanism [broken link removed] covering both situations.
I am in a rented house sharing with 2 others, where we buy bin bags (colour coded for recycling) which are then collected by a private waste contractor. Can I/we claim relief for this do you think? I wasn't quite sure after reading the leaflet.
I presume so but I don't know how Revenue apportion the relief between multiple individuals or if they give everybody who buys tags the same €195 at standard rate relief described [broken link removed]. Perhaps each individual simply signs up for the bag tag relief using the form above and gets this relief? Might be worth checkin the references on the latter page in a bit more detail to see if they clarify things.