economics dictate that such subsidies would result in increased prices (additional demand, but no additional supply)
Tax incentives for parents is not going to make a diference to the person running the creche
If they are not making money now then they will raise their prices if there is a tax incentive for parents
A tax incentive for parents will raise prices
Loot at S.23 properties, did they make money for the developers or make housing more affordable
subsidies will flow straight to the creche owners?
Subsidies "flowing" to the owners will make it possible for them to make money by running a creche
Therefore people will want to open creches, as businesses
More creches means more competition, then and only then might prices fall
I know it is difficult for someone like yourself (rainy) to understand competition is a good thing but it can be
Generally, anyone would be mad to open a creche and expect to make a good living from the profits
Personally, I do not have a strong opinion on whether or not cerches should be subsidised to make them cheaper
But I am certain that tax breaks for parents will not lower prices, so there is no point in that
Except if people are chasing votes