Tax relief on AVCs to UK private pension


New Member
My son in early 30s spent some years abroad working for a UK company who paid into a private pension for him.
He is now back in Ireland with an Irish employer and not paying into previous UK plan.

If he pays AVCs into the UK plan can he get tax relief on the AVCs?
Revenue website seems to suggest relief would only apply if he paid AVCs to a plan in an EU country.
Any help appreciated
My son in early 30s spent some years abroad working for a UK company who paid into a private pension for him.
He is now back in Ireland with an Irish employer and not paying into previous UK plan.

If he pays AVCs into the UK plan can he get tax relief on the AVCs?
Revenue website seems to suggest relief would only apply if he paid AVCs to a plan in an EU country.
Any help appreciated
Should look into buying extra class 2 or class 3 for UK old age pensions . if not been already
Can he pay into an overseas (EU or UK) pension under the Migrant Members Relief rules? Isn’t this designed for these sort of situations, where people who’ve worked abroad can continue to contribute towards a pension they already have when they return to Ireland?

I don’t know if I can post a link, but the Revenue website says it’s explained in Chapter 17 of their pensions manual.
Can he pay into an overseas (EU or UK) pension under the Migrant Members Relief rules? Isn’t this designed for these sort of situations, where people who’ve worked abroad can continue to contribute towards a pension they already have when they return to Ireland?

I don’t know if I can post a link, but the Revenue website says it’s explained in Chapter 17 of their pensions manual.