tax on new van


Registered User
I have just bought a new comerical van and i have still have 6 months tax left on old van does aby one know can i transfer tax over to new van or can i get refund..I will only be using old van for scrap will never agin be on the road and never be sold again.thanks in advance
Tax back good one we're still in Ireland.

In fairness it's only 150 quid hardly worth the efffort.
thanks blumac .well frank 150 to you may seem nothing but to me and i am sure to many others 150 is a LOT now a days..
Agreed 150 quid is not to be sniffed, didn't mean to be so flippant.

But beeing the Irish gov. I would imagine jumping through hoops would not be the half of it.

As mentioned unless the trade in is finished dead and buried no refund unlike the UK.

Even if the van will sit on a forecourt and just run the tax out no refund.