tax on jobseekers


Registered User
My wife is on 60k pa.
I will be made redundant.

To make it easy lets say its the start of next tax year.

Both assessed separatley
Say Jobseekers = 10k for the year

Do I have pay tax on the jobseekers for the year?

if I give my wife my tax credit to maximize the 20% portion wil then start paying tax.

Are you better off to be separately assesed for the year?
Do I increase the wifes tax band @ 20% to 50k and keep the rest myself then get taxed at 20% on the €200 a week?

If I give my wife all the tax credits and allowances do I get any jobseekers?

Or do I just add 10k to her 60k and tax the wholelot as married couples income?

thanks in advance