Tax on hybrid engine cars


Registered User
Hi, is it true that hybrid cars bought todate are taxed at the high car tax rate, whereas hybrids bought from next july have a tax rate of only 100 euro per year?
Yes, this is the proposal, although pressure from current Hybrid owners may cause a ministerial U-Turn, if enough people complain...
I don't think its as simple as that.
Currently the tax is based on engine size. From July they will be based on CO2 emissions.
So from July, the tax for low emitting hybrids like the Honda civic and the Toyota Prius will be reduced to 100 euro from ~300 euro.
However for high emitting hybrids like the Lexus RX the Tax will remain high at 1000 euro compared to ~1400 euro now.
The sustainable energy Ireland website is useful for determining what tax bands cars fall in to.
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