Hi. I work a full time job, and a second part time job. My full time job is below the higher tax rate. If I work two shifts in my second part time job, it is also below the higher tax rate. However if I work three shift in my part time job it brings me above the tax rate, and I pay 41% on this, which makes working a second job not worth it.
My question is... for a couple of months before I started my full time job (April),my part time job was my full time job. I accrued holidays I never took in this job. They will carry till Feb I think, but what I want to know is if I ask for all my holiday pay at once Im thinking I will pay 41% on it. Can I reclaim this from the tax office at year end? or should I apportoin the holiday pay over a couple of weeks.
Thanks. I phoned the tax office, but they were about as clear as mud.