Tax implications - Remote working in Ireland but employed in UK.



I have worked for a UK charity for around 9 years as a manager, and for the past 5 years I have worked remotely. I have spent 4 years living in Chester and commuting to London for staff meetings and other meetings as required, which roughly worked out around 2-3 times a month for a period of 2 days at a time.

At the start of this year however, my husband took a job in Dublin and we moved across to ROI about 9 months ago. My employers gave the ok to me working remotely here, but said that for tax reasons my contract had to say that I was based in London. This means that I cannot claim (as my remote working colleagues in the UK do) for travel to London for meetings.

The other complications that have arisen since being here are regarding tax benefits – I am due to have our first child in February, and am not sure which country I apply to for child benefit / tax benefits etc, or how to go about that.

I would greatly appreciate some guidance on these and any other issues which you feel my situation may have implications on.
My employers have been helpful to a point, but I feel as though they are the ones with all the information, and I am powerless to argue any points with them if required.
Any advice gratefully recieved.