I’m trying to understand the tax implications of the gift of a property as well as timing.
Background: My in-laws are getting older like the rest of us… but they are getting to the stage where they need more help. One option is for us to move in with them to help out. The property is worth €600k. However, their house would require significant alteration to accommodate our family pack of 5 along with the 2 of them… I can fund the renovation (say €300k) by selling our PPR (€550k) after the renovation is complete. This would be a long-term move for us. But I'm unsure of the tax implications...
I appreciate there are many angles to which to assess it, but just want to clear away the financial questions first.
Background: My in-laws are getting older like the rest of us… but they are getting to the stage where they need more help. One option is for us to move in with them to help out. The property is worth €600k. However, their house would require significant alteration to accommodate our family pack of 5 along with the 2 of them… I can fund the renovation (say €300k) by selling our PPR (€550k) after the renovation is complete. This would be a long-term move for us. But I'm unsure of the tax implications...
- My in-laws have joint ownership of the house. If they both gift her their share (each €300k x 2) does my wife come under the €325k threshold in that scenario? Or are the gifts assessed together (€600k)?
- We could wait till the renovation is complete to transfer ownership. Say the renovated house is now worth €900k but we have funded €300k renovation. Are we exposed for the CAT for the €575k (€900 - €325k threshold)?
- Am I correct in saying my wife is in Category A of the CAT groups; while our children are in Category B of the CAT group? Am I in Category C – so stranger in blood?
I appreciate there are many angles to which to assess it, but just want to clear away the financial questions first.