Tax exemption for Bertie's autobiography


Registered User
Just read that Bertie Ahern won't have to pay any tax on his earnings from his autobiography, under the 'artists' exemption'. Apparently this is allowed for a work which is 'creative and original' and has 'artistic or cultural merit'. As I look at my, yet again, depleted pay slip, which I have been told is all in the national interest, and listen to colleagues debating whether they can afford to keep paying their VHI contribution for themselves and their children, I can't help feeling slightly sick.
Well I'd say His book is pretty feckin' creative anyway that's for sure...

Artist? I know exactly what kind of artist he should be categorised under.

I didn't realise the exemption included just anyone - I thought you had to be a 'career artist' if you know what I mean? If it's bending of the rules then obviously yes, a few building blocks of skullduggery on the skyscraper of sh1te and shame that FF have built. Salt in the wounds too, I can understand that alright.
He won't make any money on it if nobody buys it. Is it selling well? Enough to pay the printing costs?
He won't make any money on it if nobody buys it. Is it selling well? Enough to pay the printing costs?

He got a big advance, reputed to be around 400K so I imagine the tax relief will mean he won't pay any tax on the first 125K of this. On the radio before Christmas all the newly released political books were reviewed and they said Bertie's book hadn't been selling well so maybe he won't make much out of any book sales.
Did anybody really think that Mr Ahern would not use any possible tax loopholes he could find?

Bad enough that he is driven around in a state car with his personal protection officers to promote is work of fiction (which it must be because he got the tax exemption).

One rule for the working minions and one rule for the ruling clans.