Tax Calculator for PAYE Director


Registered User
Does anyone have any links to a TAX calculator for PAYE/PRSI for a Company Director?

I have tried this one
[broken link removed]

but I dont think it is applicable to Directors.
Karl Grabe's tax calculator only deals with PRSI Class A which is one difference. But are the income tax calculations different for a director versus a PAYE employee? I realise that some tax credits will not apply (e.g. a directory will probably not get a PAYE credit?) but otherwise does the normal income tax treatment not apply?
There are obviously less tax credits for Directors as my accountants states I owe a couple of grand extra in tax than the Karl Grabe Calculator.
Certain directors ( i.e. those on PRSI Class "S" ) would have a lesser tax credit than other Class "A" directors as the owner director is not entitled to the PAYE Credit currently €1,760 for 2007. However the Income Tax rates and calculations otherwise would be the same as other PAYE employees.
Certain directors ( i.e. those on PRSI Class "S" ) would have a lesser tax credit than other Class "A" directors as the owner director is not entitled to the PAYE Credit currently €1,760 for 2007. However the Income Tax rates and calculations otherwise would be the same as other PAYE employees.

Not quite that simple as PRSI may also be different.
Have your cert of tax credits in front of you. I use [broken link removed]
Very easy to use and no adds !!!
Given that OP is from Feb 2007 and the link you provided is 2009-specific, I wonder if it helps.