Tax based on Carbon Output..?!


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Minister for Environment John Gormley has announced details of a new tax system that will penalise motorists based on their vehicle's carbon emissions.
At the lower end of the scale, cars that emit just 120 grams of carbon per kilometre will be subject to a yearly tax of €100.
At the higher end, cars emitting €225 grams per kilometre will cost their owner €2,000-a-year.
Mr Gormley says the move is designed to encourage people to buy more environmentally friendly cars.

The above was just announced on
We drive an 05 Opel Astra 1.6 (Unleaded) - Can anyone tell me what kind of level we'd be at in terms of a grams-per-kilometre output?

Much appreciated!
I was under the impression that Road Tax was to remain tied to cubic capacity and was set to increase following the budget yesterday. If Gormley is going ahead with this, then thats great news as far as I am concerned.

Would an older car not have CO2 measured as part of an NCT?
Thanks a million! Looks like it'll only be an extra €39 a year which is what I was expecing anyway...only just renewed so it'll be a year to get saving for it!!!