Tax Bands & rates


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For a married couple where one is working and one is in receipt of a pension. Which band would they fall into

a) As they are both in receipt of an income do they fall into the married couple both working catergory or

b) married couple only one spouse working

Any advice / comments appreciated

From the TAB Guide 2009 by Jill Kirby the wording used is "where both spouses are working" therefore I would have felt that pension income is not deemed to be a working income. Why do you think it is?


Its an income, not wages or salary from a "job" or "work". I have no idea of the context of your quotation, but suspect it may be connected with personal or joint PAYE tax-credits.
And the band 20% for both working is the 1st €72800 and where one is working it is the 1st €45400 is at 20% a big difference

This goes back to the introduction of tax individualization a number of years ago
Income is what matters not "working". The increased SRCOP is available to the value of the spouses income or the maxiimum whichever applies.
AFAIK, Pension income is classed as Schedule E Income which is the same as your salary from your work.