Tattoo Art for Art's sake?


Would you sell your back for art's sake?

A Galway artist is havinng an Art tattoo taking up her entire back. It will be a copy of a Dutch artist's vase of flowers.

She is then going to auction her back. Apparently there is a place in Tokyo that is able to remove the skin with the art work intact after her death. So the potential (suitable) purchaser will be able to display the art work - as long as the purchase outlives her.

Strange story! Not to mention the 120 hours of endured pain. You can view the Art in progress live at Siamsa Tire. :

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I wonder how much David Beckham's arms would make?

No - I wouldn't sell my back for art's sake. Nor would I buy someone else's.

I assume the artist is embarrassed by the publicity. I'd say that was the last thing on her mind when she came up with this, eh, concept