TAS - Supplier Balances Query


Registered User
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this - Mods, please move if necessary.

I want to print a list of supplier balances in TAS. I am currently doing this via 3-4-2 (print aged creditors report) - however although the 'show zero balances' box is not ticked, many of the suppliers listed on the report have zero balances. Is there any way to get a list of only suppliers who have an amount on the account (positive or negative)? I am having to wade through a lot of zeros before I get to the info I am looking for.

Thanks in advance.
The reason that the ZERO suppliers are showing up is because you haven't allocated/matched the payments against the invoices so the system still thinks that these invoices are still o/s.

There would be a bit of time involved in rectifying this TBH depending on the number of suppliers & invoices/payments you actually have etc.

A quick way to get the info that you need is when you run the "totals" report instead of the "details" report, there should be a column called "Rem Bal". If you click on the column header it should sort the listing by this column, which should leave all the ZERO balances at the bottom. Any negative balances will be below the ZEROs but you should at least have a workable list.
Thanks DB74
Yes, you are correct, the payments have not been allocated and this is a historical issue going far beyond my start with the company so I don't fancy tackling it!
But that workaround is good, I can export to excel and sort by amounts and delete the zeros - it will be a much quicker way to weed out what accounts need to be looked at.
Thanks a mill you have saved me a bit of time there :)
Just as an aside, I don't suppose there is any way to auto allocate payments on TAS?
If you go to Option 3-5-1 you can auto-allocate payments against the oldest o/s invoices but you have to do each payment and supplier individually and if the payment date is before the invoice date then there are a couple of extra clicks involved. It's a bit mind-numbing TBH if you have loads to do but I don't know an easier/quicker way around it.