Tango - First dance for wedding


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After watching scent of a woman, I thought that the tango would be a great first dance for our wedding. Herself is quite a good dancer, but I am absolutely useless... but would be prepared to put in some effort to learn...

Anyone any thoughts / ideas on:
- how much effort would be involved to learn it (particulary the guys part)
- what about it as a first dance?
Dunno about effort, but did you see Arnie Schwarzenegger & Jamie Lee Curtis in True Lies, they did a tango and I thought the music on that was just brill. Definitely would give a WOW start to the dancing.

Get your other half to teach you and see how you get on before deciding.
It'll take a bit of effort to learn - the lessons start off pretty slow as far as I have seen.
Tango in a wedding dress should be interesting though!
Sounds like a great idea, but remember, the dance will be remembered for one of two possible reasons, so preparation is key!

But go far it, the wife to be will be well impressed and if pulled off, a great crowd pleaser for sure.
Whatever lessons you get lazing, and especially if they are informal lessons, bear in mind that there are often different male/female 'moves' with dances - I've a feeling that this is particularly relevant to the tango!
My parents were championship Ballroom dancers, to my great regret I never really learned properly...however - the tango requires a lot of skill to dance well (its not beginners level) and her dress would have to be designed to suit.

Waltzing is fine, but a bit dull (sorry!).

How about learning a fox trot?

Absolutely agree about learning to dance properly though, there's nothing worse than watching a newly married couple, with hands on each others waist/shoulders, slowly turning in circles - serious lack of imagination!
Ah the Tango...

You can't beat the dance between an Argentinian pimp and his prostitute to set the tone of a wedding!!!!

Do a search for wedding dances on www.youtube.com to see what some people are coming up with.

Particularly impressive are the dances from dirty dancing and thriller.

Good Luck

I've been ballroom dancing for a couple of years, and I'd agree, the Tango is definitely not a beginners dance (and definitely not in a wedding dress).

There are some very beautiful waltzes, e.g. the Catherine Waltz, which would be possible for a beginner to learn.

According to our dancing instructor, who teaches a lot of wedding couples, the main problems he has are.

1. They underestimate the amount of time and effort it takes to learn. For example, you wouldn't go to a pianio teacher and ask them to teach you one complete song for your wedding, having never played before.

2. The turn up in runners and sandles, or jeans dragging on the ground.

3. They have chosen a song that is impossible to ballroom dance to, e.g. "nothing else matters" by Metallica

My advice,
get a pro to teach you. Give it plenty of time. To really make a (good) impression I'd give it at least a month or more before the actual wedding. This gives you plenty of time to practice. Thich is the key to looking polished, not the number of turns/steps you do.
Saw an old episode of ER last week (from 1999), when Dr Greene and Dr Corday (Anthony Edwards and Alex Kingston) got married...and they danced the tango! It looked good!
Don't do it. It's easy for others to say "go for it" but they won't be centre stage. Tango is high risk and low reward.

Guests generally don't give a hoot what dance you perform but if you fall on your This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language you'll be remembered for years. Go with a safe fast walk.